1 piece aged (preferably 21 days) rib eye de-boned 1.6 kg
Olive oil
Clarified butter
1 Garlic
1 onion
Maramiya (Sage)
Cardamon pods
Black Pepper
Sea salt
1. The night before: mix the herbs, spices and oil.
2. Rub the meat with the mix and wrap in plastic film. Leave in the refrigerator overnight.
3. Remove from the fridge an hour before starting to cook. Let the meat come back to room temperature.
4. Heat oven to 100 C then lower to 80 C.
5. Remove the herb mix from the meat. Keep on the side.
6. Heat a griddle pan with a dash of cooking oil.
7. Once the pan is very hot, brown the meat on the four sides.
8. Place in a baking tray with a whole onion cut in half, a whole garlic cut in half and cover the meat with the herb mix and a generous dash of olive oil.
9. Drizzle the clarified butter over the meat and place in the oven for 4 hours at 80 C.

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